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Every athlete’s mental training will look different. Each of us have different goals, strengths, and weaknesses, because for this there are several different options of training programs to fit your needs. Each mental training program is specifically designed by your mental performance coach. Mental training programs designed by Summits of the Mind can include the following:
Personalized and unique weekly training plan
Group Forum video calls
Weekly one-on-one meetings with your coach (Video chat or in person)
Weekly mental training skill building tasks
Observation of performance (Video chat or in person)
Survey and evaluation
Monthly plans include weekly phone and message communication during standard business hours with your performance coach
Mental Training available for teams, coaches and groups of all types
1 hr
Monthly Plan or Individual Sessions 45 min - 1 hour
1 hr
One 15-20 minute call to discuss if programs we offer are a good fit.
15 min
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